Bendon Lingerie



Bendon Lingerie, established in New Zealand in 1947, stands as a global leader in the world of intimate apparel, offering a diverse range of lingerie, swimwear, and sleepwear. With over 70 years of expertise, the brand showcases a collection that spans internationally recognized labels, catering to various needs with specialized offerings like Breastfeeding and Post-Surgery Bras. Beyond its extensive retail presence across Australia and New Zealand, its online platform provides a seamless shopping experience, emphasizing quality, comfort, and elegance in every product.
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The main goal was to design a Magento Web Store that aptly showcased Bendon Lingerie's extensive collection, boasting over 2000 unique lingerie styles. The website was envisioned to have a clear layout, intuitive product filters, and seamless navigation, ensuring that visitors could easily locate their preferred items. Key features, such as rich snippets for reviews/ratings and Google Structured Microdata Markup, were integrated to boost search engine optimization. Additionally, the platform was equipped with tools to roll out discounts, promotions, and to manage customer feedback and ratings.

Project team

  • Magento Full-stack Developer
  • Magento Frontend Developer
  • QA Specialist
  • Project Manager

Technical stack

Technologies Used:
Magento EE
Elastic Load Balancing
Why we Choose This Stack

Magento EE was the preferred choice due to its strength and adaptability in managing e-commerce platforms, particularly those catering to the fashion and lingerie sectors. MySQL was integrated for proficient database management. The Elastic Load Balancer ensured traffic was effectively managed, optimizing site performance. JavaScript was harnessed to boost site interactivity and responsiveness. Stripe was chosen to facilitate secure and smooth payment processes for customers.

Challenges & Solutions
#1 Challenge
Handling High Traffic Volumes Efficiently

For high-load projects, managing substantial traffic without disruptions or compromising user experience is paramount.

Our solution

We leveraged Magento Cloud's scalable infrastructure and a potent load balancer to evenly distribute incoming traffic across several servers, ensuring the website's consistent performance, even during high traffic periods.

#2 Challenge
Zero Downtime Deployments

Continuous deployment aims for regular updates, but any downtime during such processes, especially with high traffic, can result in notable losses.

Our solution

We adopted a blue-green deployment approach, allowing for two concurrent production environments. Once a new release was vetted and ready, traffic was rerouted, ensuring uninterrupted service.

#3 Challenge
Database Scalability and Synchronization

Managing large datasets and maintaining their consistency across various instances is a daunting task, especially in cloud settings.

Our solution

We introduced database sharding and a robust data synchronization mechanism, enabling horizontal database scalability while ensuring swift response times and data consistency.

#4 Challenge
Ensuring Optimal Performance

Even with a load balancer and scalable setup, performance issues can arise in high-load projects.

Our solution

We undertook periodic performance audits, utilized caching mechanisms, Content Delivery Networks (CDNs), and refined database queries. Furthermore, we maximized Magento's in-built Full Page Cache to expedite content delivery.

#5 Challenge
Maintaining Security in Continuous Deployment

Regular updates can inadvertently introduce vulnerabilities or bypass security measures.

Our solution

We incorporated automated security assessments into our CI/CD pipeline. Each codebase was rigorously evaluated for security flaws before deployment.

#6 Challenge
Managing Configuration Across Environments

In a continuous deployment framework, synchronizing configurations across varied environments can be intricate.

Our solution

We employed Magento Cloud's environment configuration management tools, ensuring automatic application of environment-specific configurations during deployments, minimizing manual errors and optimizing the deployment process.

Business Outcome
Enhanced User Experience

The responsive design and intuitive navigation led to a 40% increase in average session duration and a 25% reduction in bounce rate.


This translated to a 20% rise in conversion rates and a 15% increase in average order value.

Optimized Site Performance

Regular performance audits and optimizations resulted in a 50% faster page load time.


Faster load times contributed to a 30% increase in page views and a 10% boost in organic search traffic.

Seamless Shopping During Peak Times

Efficient traffic management ensured 99.99% uptime even during sales events, handling traffic spikes of up to 400%.


This led to a 25% increase in sales during peak times compared to previous periods.

Strengthened Security

Zero security breaches or vulnerabilities detected over the year.


This bolstered customer trust, resulting in a 20% increase in repeat customers and a 15% rise in customer loyalty.

Efficient Deployment and Management

Zero downtime deployments led to a 100% availability rate during updates, and automated configurations reduced deployment errors by 95%.


This ensured a consistent shopping experience, leading to a 10% increase in customer satisfaction scores.

Enhanced Search Visibility

The inclusion of rich snippets and structured data led to a 30% increase in click-through rates from search engine results.


This drove a 20% increase in organic traffic, leading to higher brand visibility and sales.

In conclusion, the strategic decisions and technical solutions implemented by the team have significantly elevated Bendon Lingerie's online presence. The tangible results, as reflected in the numbers, highlight the transformative impact of the project on Bendon Lingerie's e-commerce journey, setting a benchmark for excellence in the lingerie industry.

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